The only all-in-one team that helps fitness influencers turn their passion into a successful business
App | Marketing | Merch | Fulfillment We handle it all.

The FitFluencer App allows you to provide your clients with an app experience, without the cost

Workout Plans
Create workout programs or challenges for your users to follow within the app

Hands Free
Your clients can see videos and instructions using the Apple Watch app

Macro Tracking
Allow your clients to track their calories and macros, all in one easy to use app
Provide 5-Star Features with Your Workouts

Create workout programs that your clients can easily follow whenever, wherever. Exercise videos, weight logs and timers create an interactive virtual training experience.
The #1 Requested Feature Available for Your Clients

It’s the ultimate device for a healthy life, and your clients will be able to follow your programs through their Apple Watch, for a true hands-free experience.
Help your clients take the guesswork out of nutrition

Worrying about client nutrition plans is in the past. The app provides a customized approach to every one of your clients. Meal are trackable with one-click from an extensive food library or custom food entry.
We are the #1 team to help you monetize every aspect of your brand
The FITFLUENCER team provides a complete 360 experience to enable athletes to grow their audiences, launch their own businesses and unlock their true potential.




